In a home, a circuit breaker is a very important part of electrical wiring as it is a very much required safety feature. Household electricity would not even be practical without circuit breakers due to the potential danger of a fire and other hazards. It is an automatically, operated electrical switch that is specifically designed by a Circuit Breaker Manufacturer to protect electrical circuits from any kind of damage in case there is a short circuit or overload. The major function of the circuit breaker is to find any fault condition and make a stop in continuity so that there is a discontinuity in the flow of electricity.
The necessity of a Breaker
A short circuit is usually an abnormal low-resistance current that is present in between two nodes of an electrical circuit that are usually meant to have different voltages. This then ends up in having an excess flow of electric current and result in circuit damage that can lead to a fire, overheating, and even explosion.
Compared to fuses the breakers are usually more expensive. But some homeowners prefer Vacuum Circuit Breaker to fuses due to the safety factor that is related to them.
The Variety
In different shapes and sizes, circuit breakers are available and a person should select the one that suits the electric equipment at home. But before you install a breaker, one must be aware if there is enough space in the house to accommodate the device.
The Repair Team and its Importance
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